Music with a Passion
February 7 – 28
Cathedral Concerts Exploring Sacred Music Seminars are designed to be informative and fun for the music lover to the trained musician.
In this series of classes we will explore music for the Lenten season with some of St. Louis’ musical experts.
Classes are held on the lower level of the Cathedral in the St. Cecilia Chapel.
Lunch with the presenters follows each class.
Registration for all 4 weeks, including lunches following each class, is $125.
Individual classes are $35 per session. (Call 314-533-7662 to register for individual sessions.)
Class Outline
Feb 7, 2013 William Partidge Canon Precentor, Organist & Choirmaster, Christ Church Cathedral
John Stainer’s “Crucifixion”
Feb 14, 2013 Dr. A. Dennis Sparger Musical Director & Conductor, Bach Society of St. Louis
Facing Bach’s Passions: St. John vs. St. Matthew
Feb 21, 2013 Philip Barnes Artistic Director, St. Louis Chamber Chorus
Stabat Mater: The agony of Christ seen through the eyes of Mary
Feb 28, 2013 Dr. Horst Buchholz Music Director, Archdiocese & Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis & Artistic Director, St. Louis Cathedral Concerts
Famous “Last Words” – Settings of the Seven Last Words of Christ
Call to Register for Individual Classes- 314-533-7662